Friday, 27 April 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 07 - Evaluation

This is the second competition brief I took part in. Once again, I aimed to produce stand out work, that would ensure a successful entry. I also wanted to take the opportunity to explore album art, be more creative and interpretive with my concepts. I also took this opportunity to explore photographic work and develop my skill as it is an area of personal interest. I managed to work quickly completing the brief within a week, and to a high level standard. This is partly because I left the project last minute, but I was impressed by the quantity and quality produced in short space of time.

I worked on creating engaging concepts that would make people think. I decided to illustrate the meaning of each song. Album covers are supposed to be experimental and so I took the opportunity to be so. The final product is a collectable collection of each track, which was done to make the work stand out and be successful when entered.

Each 7-inch sleeve was self-constructed to a high standard, using the appropriate equipment, such as a folding machine. They were as professionally finished as possible without using a die cutter and a machine to produce them. I do feel that when they were sent to Secret 7”, they could have been presented far better; they were packaged up in a rush, very last minute.

I enjoyed the freedom and exploration of music and artwork, and this project also prepared me for my research brief, producing album covers for Linkin Park. Using colour lighting was successful, something I had not done before. When creating the blocks myself, I could have spent more time on this, making them tidier. The final images were rushed and had to be Photoshopped heavily, I know that to prevent this next time I need to prepare for photoshoots more.

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