I approached this brief with a determined outlook for the final outcome. This brief resonates with me personally, as well as being a research heavy brief, so I ensured I worked at a high standard, using the appropriate, high quality equipment, large scale scanners and taking my time producing the artwork. I decided to explore mono printing with more freedom. It’s one of my preferred methods of production and decided for this brief to not restrain myself with a specific final outcome and to just create whatever felt right at the time. This method was appropriate as it takes into consideration the research, exploring the positive benefits on the mind of producing arts. I became as creative as I could, producing as many outcomes as possible. Once the artwork was created, the appropriate rules of design were applied, in grids and when applying type.
I was keen to make this brief the most important, as it has a close and personal meaning to me. Being as artistic as I could was appropriate for creating the artwork. The secondary research proved that creating artwork is one of the ways your brain releases dopamine, a chemical that increases mental wellbeing. The research covered serious scientific topics, so the outcome had to be at a high professional standard and be a serious outcome.
This concept is a strong one, with an important meaning behind it. Vinyl is back into popularity and the collectable music is on trend. This product would be successful when on sale. It has also nearly been a year since Chester Bennington’s death, so it is more relevant now than ever. Overall, the final style suits Linkin Park’s brand. All the artworks created are a one off unique, giving them more prominence. Once the artworks were used on the covers, the final designs were finished to a high standard, and appropriately presented in context.
I would have preferred to physically produce the album covers rather than digitally mock them and it would have been good to create more products such as CD covers. I really enjoyed mono printing, as I found it therapeutic proving how effective my research was, proving the creation of artwork is better for mental wellbeing. These have been the most successful album cover designs I have produced, but more time would have allowed me to create even more material.
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