Wednesday, 9 May 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 06 - Initial Development

The secondary research has proven that enjoyable or stirring artwork can create an instant positive sensation, and so the artwork created for this series must evoke the appropriate emotion. Using the primary research, the responses to how those particular covers made people feel, will inform the style of artwork being created. 

The primary research demonstrated that there are too many variables to how people think album artwork connects to the music, but a popular one being the cover communicating structure of the music or the emotion. It will be appropriate to create artwork that represents the emotions I feel when listening to them.

Using collage and print are the most appropriate techniques because of the way people felt looking at that particular style of artwork. 

Some initial sketches of artwork that will be created using mono printing have been drawn. This will be most effective way to create, letting the music inform the creation, and not being confined to a style and having freedom to explore and experiment during the process.

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